Welcome to GreenSolutions.
We Lead. We Manufacture. We Deliver.

With GreenSolutions™ you have the assurance that the erosion control solution you use in your projects comes from a quality manufacturer. When you specify our Erosion Control Blankets, your choosing an environmentally-friendly, sustainable product. You are also sending a clear message that you are committed to responsible environmental practices. What’s more, the excellent quality and consistent performance of GreenSolutions’ Erosion Control Products deliver outstanding results every time.

GreenSolutions’ Erosion Control Blankets are superior to hydro-seeding when the growing season is short and plants cannot stabilize the slope quickly, when at high altitudes, and where major storms are a frequent occurrence.

For more than twenty-five years, it’s been our pleasure to manufacturer quality, affordable and effective products. We strive for excellence, using the latest materials and technologies. Let us help you with your next project.

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Our Products

Double Net Straw (DNS2)

Double Net
Straw (DNS 2)

Our Double Net Straw (DNS 2) consists of 100% agricultural straw fiber stitched and bound on each side by photo-degradable polypropylene netting...

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Double Net Straw/Coconut (DSC 2)

Double Net Straw/
Coconut (DSC 2)

Our Double Net Straw/Coconut (DSC 2) consists of 70% agricultural straw and 30% coconut fiber bound stitched on both sides and is designed for steeper inclines and higher-flow situations.

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Double Net Coconut (DC 2)

Double Net
Coconut (DC 2)

Our Double Net Straw (DNS 2) consists of 100% agricultural straw fiber stitched and bound on each side and is designed for low-flow channels and moderate slopes and degrades in ± 1 year.

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Turf Reinforcement Mat (GS 50 TRM)

Turf Reinforcement
Mat (GS 50 TRM)

Our GS 50 TRM is a heavy-duty polypropylene turf reinforcement mat for protection of shorelines, channels, and extreme slopes with a longevity greater than three years.

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Straw Wattles

Straw Wattles

GreenSolutions'™ Straw Wattles are a very effective temporary sediment control measure designed to last at least two construction seasons...

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ScourGuard is an HDPE oscillated structure mesh and a polypropylene fiber backing providing a reinforcement layer and protecting the soil from erosion against high velocities and shear.

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ShoreFlex Roll


Shoreflex is our erosion control system manufactured from individual concrete blocks that are tied together to form a mat where a lesser degree of erosion control is required.

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The key to proper installation is anchoring erosion control blankets to the soil. GreenSolutions offers a wide variety of anchoring devices available to make your installation a success.

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Installation & Maintenance
For Slopes Up To 2:1 - Two (2) Horizontal to One (1) Vertical

During the growing season (see chart) use blankets on the base of waterways, soil slopes having a grade greater than 15%, or anywhere where hay mulch has proven to be ineffective at controlling sheet erosion. For over-winter protection, apply erosion control blankets on the base and side slopes of waterways and on slopes steeper than an 8% grade. Grade the slope to a smooth, even surface.

Remove any protruding rocks, stumps, or roots. Anchor the uphill end of each blanket in a trench at the top of the slope. Pin the blanket in the trench as shown in the detail and firmly pack soil in the trench so to cover the blanket edge. Roll the blanket down the slope and pin the blanket in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is critical that the blanket has firm, continuous contact with the underlying soil.

If needed, use additional pins to ensure firm contact. Overlap the sides and ends of blankets at least four inches. Uphill blankets must lap over downhill blankets. Pin the ends along the overlap every 12 inches. Inspect periodically until vegetation is abundant.

For a comprehensive list of seeding recommendations by geographic area, please refer to your local DOT or county agent office.

It is recommended that the mats be installed in the direction of water flow, however, on short slopes, it may be more practical to install them horizontally across the width of the slope, rather than vertically.

General Guidelines for
Temporary Seeding Rates

Hulled Bermuda 30 March-September
Hulled Bermuda 20 February-March
Crimson Clover 25
Kentucky 31 Fescue 25 September-February
Unhulled Bermuda 20
Unhulled Bermuda 25 February-March
Crimson Clover 40
Pensacola Bahia 30 March-September
Bald Clover 40 September-October
Unhulled Bermuda 20
Vetch (Common) 40 March-May
Lespedeza 30 September-January

Approximate per pound and seeding rates for the major turfgrass species. (Southern Regions)

Quantity: 25 rolls per pallett, 550 rolls per truckload


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